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Naturopathic Psychiatry

Improve your mental health & wellbeing by naturally treating the underlying conditions

The BeWell Approach

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What is Psychiatric Naturopathy?

Psychiatric Naturopathy offers a holistic approach to mental health and general wellbeing. It educates the patient on natural healing practices to treat mental health issues and underlying conditions.

Naturopaths rely on science and research-based treatments to treat patients. By looking at an individuals’ physical state, psychology, and spirituality, licensed naturopaths can provide a treatment plan to treat mental health disorders.

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What Can Psychiatric Naturopathy Help You With?

Psychiatric Naturopathy is a natural and holistic treatment to address various mental and general health concerns such as:

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Benefits Of Naturopathy

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Naturopathic Psychiatry

What to expect from a Psychiatric Naturopathy consult?

At BeWell we educate our patients about their lifestyle and diet to enhance their health, motivating them to become active in their self-care. We work to discover why mental illness is occurring and correct the underlying causes. Additionally, we work with individuals who are on traditional medications to decrease or eradicate the adverse effects of these drugs.

During your consultation, our Naturopaths do a series of lab testing, physical evaluation, and gather a detailed patient history, to help inform the most effective personalised treatment to address underlying problems. Another objective of naturopathy is to enhance the client’s quality of life.The following are the main areas that a Naturopathic doctor focuses on:

The foods we eat have a direct impact on the chemistry of our bodies and brains and, therefore, on our mood, thoughts and behaviour. Our brains require the correct balance of amino acids, fats, vitamins, minerals and glucose in order to function properly, and individual needs can vary drastically. We work with all patients to uncover their unique nutritional needs through history-taking, diet analysis and lab testing, and then help individuals address underlying biochemical imbalances through shifts in their diet and nutritional supplements. Food allergies or sensitivities can play a significant role in mental health, as well, and the removal of these foods from the diet can have a profound impact on one’s healing.
Many mental and emotional concerns have their origins in the gut. It is important to identify and treat conditions such as hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid), Candida overgrowth, gut dysbiosis (a bacterial imbalance in our digestive tracts), parasites, inflammation, leaky gut (increased permeability of the intestinal wall), and food allergies as they have direct effects on brain function. I use Complete Stool Analysis in practice to find imbalances in the gut which play a significant role in many neuropsychological conditions. Conversely, our emotions strongly influence our appetite and digestion. The nervous system and the digestive system are intricately linked by a constant exchange of chemical and electrical messages including nutrients and neurotransmitters. Anything that affects one realm is likely to affect the other, addressing gastrointestinal health is often foundational in one’s mental health recovery.
The sugar in our blood is called glucose, and this is the primary fuel for our bodies. Being one of the most sensitive and demanding organs, our brains require a constant supply of this glucose to perform its never-ending functions. A healthy body is able to regulate the blood sugar to provide a consistent energy source for the brain; unfortunately, this function is commonly impaired. Hypoglycemia is a condition in which the body can’t sustain constant glucose levels and can be a causative factor in attention and behaviour issues, anxiety, panic attacks, rapid-cycling bipolar disorder, insomnia and addiction. Elevated blood sugar over time not only leads to diabetes, heart disease and obesity but also mood and behavioural disturbances, decreased mental functioning and dementia. Balancing your blood sugar is an important component of disease prevention and general health and will also support your mood, energy, metabolism and mental functioning.
Supplementation with amino acids can help optimize neurotransmitter levels. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins that our bodies transform into neurotransmitters such as serotonin, melatonin, GABA, dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine. These are the messenger molecules that allow our nerve cells to communicate and have a direct impact on our mood, learning, attention, pain and pleasure perception, sleep, energy, and thought processes. Most psychiatric drugs manipulate our body’s ability to process these neurotransmitters in an attempt to alter the levels of these important chemicals. Instead of, or in conjunction with, antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications, we can give the body the amino acids it needs to make more neurotransmitters and avoid the negative side effects of the drugs. Neurotransmitter testing is available and can help guide the treatments. Targeted amino acid therapy is a powerful tool for addressing a wide variety of mental health concerns and provides a safe and effective alternative to these medications.
Our hormones are produced and controlled by our endocrine glands and include chemical messengers such as thyroid hormone, cortisol from the adrenals, insulin from the pancreas, and estrogen, progesterone and testosterone from the reproductive organs. As parents of adolescents who are entering puberty know, hormonal change has a profound effect on behaviour. Imbalances or disturbances in any of these interconnected systems can alter the way our brain functions. For example, thyroid dysfunction is an often-overlooked, underlying cause of depression, anxiety, poor memory and fatigue, and PMS is a well-recognized cause of mood swings, depression, anxiety and sleep disturbances. Helping the body regain its delicate hormonal balance can have far-reaching effects for the mind. In clinical practice we can conduct various tests to measure hormones.
We are exposed to an extraordinary amount of toxins through our food supply, the air we breathe, and even our tap water. Toxic exposures affect the health of our brains. When the body encounters more toxins than it can effectively process, it stores these chemicals in fat cells, and our brains are largely made up of fat. Some people are good detoxifiers/methylators. Others with autism, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, depression, chronic fatigue, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are often not. Supporting detoxification and the safe elimination of toxins can be a key component to mental health recovery.Our Naturopathic doctor will assist patients with appropriate detoxification strategies whether that is a gentle cleanse, a more intensive detox protocol or heavy metal chelation. In clinical practice, The Organic Acids Test will identify detoxification and methylation issues using a urine sample.

Your Naturopathy Questions Answered

The base of naturopathy is the belief in the body's innate ability to heal itself when given the right support, and a focus on identifying and addressing the underlying causes of mental and physical illness rather than just treating the symptoms. It uses natural therapies to promote optimal health and prevent disease. 

To diagnose a condition with naturopathy, a practitioner will gather information about the patient's medical history, symptoms, and lifestyle habits. They perform a physical examination and order lab tests or imaging studies as needed. Based on the findings, they will prepare a treatment plan to include natural remedies, such as herbal supplements, dietary changes, or acupuncture.  

The focus is on identifying and addressing the root cause of the condition, rather than just treating the symptoms.  

You may want to consider seeing a naturopath if you are looking for a natural approach to address your mental health concerns, want to improve your overall well-being, or are interested in disease prevention.  

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